Sunday, April 6, 2014

Happy news! Right...?

Collin and I were just texting like another other normal time when he said, "I'm going to start my papers this week."
I immediately started to cry and hyperventilate. I muster all of the positive energy I have in my fingers to text back, "Awesome!"

He then went on about how if he is going to send in his papers he needed to start acting like a missionary. Which we all know what that means. Less kissing, less hand holding, less hugging, less texting.... Less time with me. I know this all sounds very selfish... but this is why I have this blog. So I can cheer Collin on and support him to his face. But then come here and vent about how much this sucks. THIS SUCKS. THIS SUCKS. THIS SUCKS.

But, I'm so excited for him. He's about to go on the most amazing adventure ever. His Mom had a dream he was going to Italy. Collin loves Scotland and anything to do with it (I never mentioned that he has two kilts) so I hope he gets called there. And I must brag about how amazing my boyfriend truly is. He wants to start acting like a missionary. How incredibly, for the lack of a better word, sexy is that? Nothing makes my Utah Mormon Girl heart flutter more then a priesthood holder who is doing his best. Okay, positive thoughts Brianna... POSITIVE THOUGHTS.