Sunday, April 6, 2014

Happy news! Right...?

Collin and I were just texting like another other normal time when he said, "I'm going to start my papers this week."
I immediately started to cry and hyperventilate. I muster all of the positive energy I have in my fingers to text back, "Awesome!"

He then went on about how if he is going to send in his papers he needed to start acting like a missionary. Which we all know what that means. Less kissing, less hand holding, less hugging, less texting.... Less time with me. I know this all sounds very selfish... but this is why I have this blog. So I can cheer Collin on and support him to his face. But then come here and vent about how much this sucks. THIS SUCKS. THIS SUCKS. THIS SUCKS.

But, I'm so excited for him. He's about to go on the most amazing adventure ever. His Mom had a dream he was going to Italy. Collin loves Scotland and anything to do with it (I never mentioned that he has two kilts) so I hope he gets called there. And I must brag about how amazing my boyfriend truly is. He wants to start acting like a missionary. How incredibly, for the lack of a better word, sexy is that? Nothing makes my Utah Mormon Girl heart flutter more then a priesthood holder who is doing his best. Okay, positive thoughts Brianna... POSITIVE THOUGHTS.


Hello, here I am, Blogging! I created this blog because my boyfriend is going to start working on his mission papers soon. I want this blog to be a way for me to express my feelings on the whole waiting for two years deal.

First off, I would have never thought that I'd be waiting for someone for two years. I would look at girls waiting for their missionary like they were crazy. I felt like I had places to go and more importantly boys to flirt with. That was until I started to date Collin in the middle of my Junior year. Collin and I have been friends since 2008, our 7th grade year. We sat by each other in intermediate orchestra. Collin was my first guy friend that I had. I'm going to be completely honest, orchestra sucked. Collin was smart and quit after that first year. We didn't hang out much 8th grade. In 9th grade we had the same English class together. We'd talk and laugh just like in 7th grade, but we didn't really have "feelings" towards each other. (Feelings, not sure if that's the best way to describe anything during someone's freshmen year!)
The next year, our sophomore year, Collin started to be apart of the drama club, which I am an avid member of. Of course we started to hang out more, but still just as friends.
Junior year rolled around and our drama teacher announced that our fall musical would be "Kiss Me Kate". Collin and I auditioned for the show and got casted to play Lois Lane and Bill Calhoun. I remember looking at the cast list, laughing out loud, and telling my mom "I have to kiss Collin! That's going to be awkward!" We blocked the scene where Lois and Bill kiss and I was soooo nervous to kiss Collin. We'd been friends for so long that I remember being taller then him! When we did the scene I remember thinking to myself, "That wasn't awkward at all!" I looked over at Collin who had gotten taller and just so handsome. I immediately started to like him. At rehearsals Collin and I would dance together, laugh, and have an amazing time. As time went on a girl in the cast asked me if I liked Collin. I've never been the type to keep my crushes secret if someone asked me, why lie you know? A girl who is friends with Collin overheard and she begged me to let her tell him. Once again, why lie? "Go ahead." I said. She went off and told Collin that I liked him. Apparently he didn't have the same feelings and told this girl that he didn't like me. Ouch! I was so embarrassed! Around 20 minutes later he came to the conclusion that I was actually pretty nice. Yes, it was very juvenile, but the rest is history!
We've been dating for a year and four months now! We are always together it seems. Which is the way I like it because it's where I am most comfortable.
We have both been members of the church all of our lives, so it's not like this whole mission thing is a shock. He's always wanted to go, and I have always wanted to marry an RM. But it doesn't make my feelings about the whole situation any easier. I try to keep a brave face for Collin because his mission isn't about me and my feelings, it's about him, but I cry about every night. I can hardly stand the thought of not being with him for two years. The hardest part is that I am just the "girlfriend". When the Mother's Day and Christmas call happens, I'm not suppose to be there. It's just immediate family. The other awful thing about being the girlfriend is that he can leave his family and he will still be their son or brother or grandson. But he may come back and not want to be my boyfriend anymore.

                                    It's the unknown that's driving me crazy.